sábado, 29 de junio de 2013

Update...What have I done in the past month?

With friend climbing barefoot looking for a waterfall.

Waterfall found

followed the river down stream

image from the bridge again

our involvement with said community, funded 2 buildings.

firing clay pots aka mocawas

cooling off mocawas

glazing mocawas

sign next to women's bathroom, nice grammar.

image on the wall on the outside of the women's bathroom.

Returning to the big city 220 kilometers up the mountain. yay road trip!

viernes, 28 de junio de 2013

For now, this is what I have done in Ecuador up till Last Wednesday

A street in Quito

This is a statue of the Virgin Mary

The President came out

Public space I am totally aloud to take this pic

As is all of Quito. Never as scared in Colombia as I was one day in Quito. Missing Colombia....

Nice translation....what a duck

searching for waterfalls

wow that is a deal

this was one of the best marked signs of the whole trail

a river and thinking I ccan take a cool shot

Do you see the face?

falling water

I thought it was pretty. El dueño of the last finca said that a man can only appreciate the beauty of a woman if he appreciates the beauty of the flowers.

hitching a taxi ride with a stranger back to Quito

cow crossing

bolón verde is this platano thing with the agua de panela ccolored burnt nasty cold coffee

What on earth is café pasado? it means that it is brewed...not old

Penis fish

process of shrinking heads

a shrunken head

shtuff placed in people's graves

and look at the following pic

ya it is that cool.

de paila? de salcedo?

Do you see the face?

virgin mary close-up

biggest church in Quito

that is a real bird

drunk man made bettr by rooster who scared him

What are those domes? 

so ugly it is cute, or just ugly?

going up thar thing.

on the way up

shot from the path

another shot from the path

hot springs pit-stop between Quito and the Amazon

Tequila...but wait....

sea horses in the bottle. free shot after lunch.

that huge plant in the back is coffee.....it IS HUGGGGEE!




view from the bridge crossing back one day

sundown...but wait my friend is so awesome

too bad my camera is less awesome

Other ppl

reflection of the beauty.

cosechando yuca

cocinando chicha

cool tree